July 15–19 & July 22–26
Looking for an awesome summer adventure for your 11-14 year old? Look no further than CAMP SIDEQUEST! Our unique program teaches campers the fundamentals of improv– listening, collaboration, creative expression– through a variety of fun fantasy-themed games & exercises!
Then, in the optional 2nd half of the day, we apply those improv skills to an epic ongoing tabletop role-playing adventure! Campers will create their own characters, collaborate on building a world to explore, and play out a shared two-week story with our experienced Game Masters.
Days: Mondays–Fridays, July 15–19 & July 22–26
9:00am–12:30pm – Morning improv camp
12:30pm–1:00pm – Pickup for improv-only campers, Lunch for RPG campers
1:00pm–4:00pm – Afternoon RPGs
$400 – One week, morning & afternoon
$550 – Two weeks, morning improv only.
$750 – Two weeks, morning improv + afternoon role-playing games.
Camp Size:
Morning Improv – 20 campers
Afternoon RPGs – 12 campers
Counselors: Josh Holober-Ward & Kelsey Hébert
Camp Director: Sarah LeClair
All camp staff have all official clearances for child abuse and criminal history.